Every summer, I am juicy bait for mosquitoes no matter where I am. They seek me out, ride in my car and bite me in all the right areas to make me swell and itch for about a week per bite. If you sit next to me, they won't bite you - so please plan to include me at your next picnic as a decoy! Tonight while simply walking into another room, I felt that tell-tale prick and knew that I had just received the fourth bite of the night on its way to swell to the size of a dime. Each time I'm bit, I need to apply multiple layers of liquid benadryl for approximately 20 minutes before the stubborn itch subsides. No texting or crocheting can happen while I reapply the wand. Sigh. "Here I go again ," I woefully said to self. And then it hit me -- mosquito behavior is worth studying!! Mosquitoes leave lasting impressions. As I write this, the latest bite has increased 50 fold, forcing me to to pay attention to it. What can we do to leave a lasting impression with others causing th
For the past few years, I have made it my practice to select a Word of the Year. Each January I have carefully chosen a word for my year's focus. That word becomes the lens to process my experiences and causes me to be more intentional and aware. It's been enriching to move through "Courage", "Gratitude"and "Balance". By focusing on the one key word, I've been able to see how many opportunities there are to explore and enjoy further meaning each day. Two years ago I selected " And, " as my Word of the Year and liked it so much I wasn't done with it so it's on again for 2022. I have notepads with my Word in my office and it's framed on walls in both my home and businesses offices. Even when it isn't my Word of the Year any longer, it will still remained framed on my walls. What makes " And, " so special compared to other words and why do I keep it on my walls? My answer begins with noting that And is capitaliz